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Episode 66: Kelvin Williams- Healing For It All

Survivor of a sextuplet bypass, with every artery being blocked, back in 2005, Kelvin Williams is a walking, talking miracle. With that alone being enough to take a person out, Kelvin would learn that that was only the beginning.  He has weathered a litany of health issues and you may find yourself with your mouth gaped open just 10 minutes into the podcast. Through it all, Kelvin maintained his faith in God and shares his thoughts while he was on this Job-like journey.  His ability to maintain and retain his humor in all of this as well. Kelvin’s story is not one told to elicit sympathy, but it’s to put the glory of God on display. He proudly proclaims that “The doctor was standing there on one side of my bed, and Jesus was standing there as well.”  After hearing all that he’s has endured your faith in God’s faithfulness to be with us in the midst of our pain and suffering.


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