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Episode 12: Susan & Roger Walterhouse- Marriage Miracle!

Roger and Susan Waterhouse shares their testimony about being healed/restored through Gods hurt.  They were pastors in Nebraska for something, God blew the door wide open for issues to be magnified.  Roger left his position at the church, soon after Roger found himself in deep water.  His deep dark secret was revealed, and a can of worms were opened.  Roger had an addiction to pornography, the church immediately asked him to step down.  Roger had to daunting task of telling his wife this secret, Susan recalls her initial reaction was “we can get through this,” then those feelings turned to anger, and mistrust.  Susan remembers giving God a week to “fix” this problem.  Susan had lot’s of questions that she needed answers to, unfortunately they weren’t coming as quick as she would have liked.  As a christian Susan realized how sinful her own heart was, during this process Susan decided that if their marriage would be repaired Roger would have to start from scratch, and would have to reveal all the details of his addiction.  Roger recalls from the age of 13 pornography had been a struggle for him, but as an adult he struggled with how he was going to get past this.  Please join HisStories, Roger, and Susan as they share how Gods grace and mercy healed their marriage, and their individual brokenness was healed through Christ.

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